This morning baby woke me up first thing! I was waaaay to tired to play, but how long do they stay at this cute age? So first she doctored me up (remember that but bite well I survived! Partially thanks to the skills of Dr. Malveaux) she checked my heart gave a shoot, and sent me home. But I didn't go home, nope, I went to see beautician Malveaux, she did my makeup and nails. Then she made me breakfast! I was too tired to take pics guys 😴.
We went down to breakfast where I made us cereal. Evie told me I couldn't put milk my cereal but I didn't anyways!
Then we watched some TV, and played games, until I won. Baby was not happy about that. Game time was over.

Next thing you know it's lunch time!! Gigi and I had mini pizza, while baby had a pizza lunchable.
Soon my sister and parents showed up so we all just hung out, and the girls little friends came by.
Earl came home, and got to work on making us a Massive Feast!!! Deep fried turkey, baked potatoes, and grilled corn! Yum!!! He's an excellent cook and it was amazing!!!
Afterwards baby treated us to something special!
Baby had been working so hard (with the aide of Grandma) to make herself a birthday cake! Since she's a July baby and we can't be here for the party, we decided to celebrate early! It was the perfect ending, to a very low key day. I'll see you all tomorrow 😘