Hi guys! Sorry for the late post but you know how it is with the Holidays about! Quick recap on what the Mystery Box Sewing Challenge is. Every week I take a random piece of fabric given to me and I try to make a garment. The goal is to use only stuff from my studio and still complete the garment. Dosen't always happen but I always try!
This weeks fabric I started with a light beige polyester Microsuede, 2 yards exactly of a 64 width fabric. This is probably the most yardage I've had in awhile once you account for the width. I struggled a little at first with what to make a dress? a suit? And then I thought the 20's are around the corner, l should try my hand at a Cocoon Coat!

I got excited and got down to research, how do you draft a cocoon coat, I asked the internet, the internet didn't know. So this one was all on me, I looked at A LOT of pictures of this coats, illustrations as well as photos from museums and then I laid my fabric out and drew some shapes right on to it, fingers crossed this comes out!

To help me get the shape I wanted I used pattern I drafted for a sweater, as you can see in the pictures above the shape is nothing like the pattern, but it did help me better organize my thoughts. I then transferred my shape to paper so I could later make more, if this turned out.
Next I decided to line the garment, I did not have a lining on hand that was wide enough, long enough, and in a complimentary color. So I did have to cheat a little on this one. I went down to the store and bought myself a lining in taupe, the widest they had was 58 width which was problematic, but I'd have to make it work.
Laying out the lining was difficult, I had to finagle my pattern to fit the fabric, the sleeves got cut off a little but that was okay, I got it to work. Then I drafted a shawl collar which was the easiest part of the whole journey, finally something I know how to do!
I cut the collar out of fur because if you look at the images above you'll know why. And started to assemble the whole thing! OMG once the pieces were sewn together I was ecstatic it worked. It came out just how I had imagined! I do think in the future I'd like to make a longer version as well but overall I'm so happy it came out, especially since I had no idea what I was doing in the first place.
Now that the garment is sewn I had to figure out to close it. My dad suggested a big black button which I had, but my mother said I should use a grey or a brown. We went through the buttons and settled on this vintage bronze button with a slight patina. I knew right away it was the right button. I felt like the patina only added to the overall look of the garment, made it feel more vintage. I used a bit of elastic to make a loop and sewed the button on. I then put a hook and eye right under the collar to hold the collar in place right under the neck for cold days. This was in my opinion the most challenging, but also the best garment to come out of this sewing challenge. I will definitely be making more of these in the future!
Thank you so much for following along! Next week there will be no post due to my birthday celebrations and Christmas. Feel free to follow me on Instagram at MadsenCreations to see all my shenanigans! Otherwise a very Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Rachel Madsen